Food & Fun
On Tuesday 24th the International Student Group will have an evening offood and fun! It will be at Háaleitisbraut 58-60, 3rd floor, from 19.00.
This will be an informal, open and relaxed evening where we want to come together and get to know each other better. We will share some food, play games and have an informal discussion about what Jesus means to us and you can ask questions.
The evening is free, but you can make a donation towards the cost of the food if you want. You don’t need to bring anything, just yourself and a smile!
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Ég hvet alla KSF-inga til að mæta á þennan skemmtilega viðburð. Hann er haldinn að frumkvæði alþjóðahóps KSF og er kjörið tækifæri til að kynnast fleirum innan félagsins.